Revealing the Glory of God through Excellence in the Arts

The beauty and splendor of an "old world" tradition are infused with the "pioneering spirit" of faith and innovation...
...offering the best in
classical and contemporary dance.

Hosanna is reclaiming the beauty of worship and praise...

...pageantry, joy, sorrow, and holiness found in this passionate art form!

Hosanna Sacred Arts Dance Company of Birmingham Alabama is a national touring company of professional Christian dance artists who offer a unique worship concert experience...
…to the Glory of God.
Hosanna's mission is realized through its spiritual integrity and artistic excellence. Public performances create a platform for Godly truth in the marketplace, offering expressions of faith and love that speak to a culturally diverse audience.

We believe it to be...
our sole purpose as artists of faith...
to sacrificially...
go out and share the love of God’s
mercy and grace as “salt and light”
in a desperate and dying world.

We believe... ​
...that the arts are primary in shaping the world and our culture. Their influences change people’s lives, their worldview, and moral standards.
It is the company’s fervent prayer...
...to share the heart of the Lord in a tangible way with all those in need of His redemptive Love.
Hosanna brings into focus...
...the spiritual world through creative, inspired, and imaginative concert programs.

"It was the most beautiful performance I have ever witnessed...
...where have I been?"
After seeing Friday night's concert performance, I invited three friends to Saturday's performance. We were all spellbound and blessed by God's presence and glory...
~ Gaye-Steadman Montiel

Hosanna’s concerts serve as a beautiful and inspiring means of outreach into the community. Hosanna’s concerts are stirring and uplifting… a memorable evening for the entire family. ​
Hosanna concert events are created and offered as a means for believers to bring friends to a non-threatening venue of faith. Some audience members who might not attend a church service experience the Spirit of God in a profound way for the first time.
“On Friday night I brought friends to your concert. One of my friends has been exposed to the best of the ballet world. Just a few months ago we went to see the Royal Ballet in NYC, in fact. She was deeply moved by your dancing… particularly the “expressiveness” and “conviction” of the dancing.
Because my friend was so moved by the spiritual aspects of the concert, she talked about the Christian faith on the drive home. God worked through Hosanna Sacred Arts to reflect Jesus to her.”
~ Jane Roberts

In today’s mass media it seems to be getting increasingly more difficult...

“At a time when artistic expression lacks meaningful content and fails to move the spirit, Hosanna Sacred Arts brings a breath of fresh air.
Innovative creativity, technical virtuosity, and spiritual depth combine to give audiences an experience that speaks both to the mind and heart.
If you want to see beauty and truth impact people’s lives, you will want to support the creative excellence demonstrated in the works of this dance company of committed believers."
~ Dr. Colin Harbison
Director - StoneWorks Global Arts Initiative
Former Dean - School of the Arts at Belhaven University
...to find that which is truly faithful, …hopeful, …or really loving.

...is something you can feel… a living breathing expression that moves the heart of man.
...challenge, and draw us into a deeper understanding of our Creator… someone far greater than ourself.
Dance can inspire...